​​​Michelle Warner

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Certified Massage Therapist

Initial Consultation

120 minutes-$325

The initial consultation is a detailed look at your health history, determination of your natural constitution, and assessment of any current imbalances.

The goal is to identify aspects of your diet and lifestyle that are disharmonious with your constitution.

Recommendations will be implemented over time during follow up visits.

As each person is unique, the path to balance is unique as well.  

Follow Up Consultations

​50 minutes-$140

Follow up visits provide an opportunity to go deeper into an Ayurvedic healing program.   Dietary and lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine, breath work, meditation, sensory therapies, body work, and seasonal cleansing may be implemented to restore balance.  

An Ayurvedic lifestyle strengthens our relationship with ourselves through establishing supportive daily routines, and harmonizes us with our environment 

through being aligned with the seasons.

Pancha Karma/Seasonal Detoxification and Rejuvenation

Price of package is based on duration of treatment, therapies given, required herbs and other supplies.

​Pancha Karma is a seasonal balancing program best done in the Spring and/or Fall.

It is a detoxification of excess doshas and accumulated toxins in the mind and body, followed by a rejuvenation program to enhance vitality and stability.

Ayurvedic cleansing programs are both gentle and effective.  A nourishing and easy to digest diet is followed so that the body's energy is available for healing.

It is often accompanied by body therapies to facilitate a deeper experience.  Each program is tailored to the individual.